
Service & Solutions

Value Engineering

Electronic Manufacturing

Staying competitive in the market requires businesses to continually enhance their products while reducing costs. At Vinrox, we understand this need, and we offer Value Engineering services that help businesses achieve both of these objectives.

Our Value Engineering services focus on enhancing product features, performance, quality, and appearance while reducing the Bill of Materials (BoM) cost. By working with our clients, we can identify opportunities to reduce costs without compromising the quality or performance of the product. We offer our Value Engineering services in various areas, including product design, manufacturing process optimization, supply chain management, and more. By optimizing the manufacturing process and supply chain, we can help businesses produce high-quality products at a lower cost, which can increase profitability and enhance their competitiveness in the market.

Furthermore, our Value Engineering services can help businesses differentiate their products from their competitors. By enhancing product features, performance, quality, and appearance, businesses can create products that stand out in the market and attract more customers. By working with our clients, we can identify opportunities to optimize the manufacturing process and supply chain, improve product features and performance, and enhance the quality and appearance of the product. This can help businesses improve their profit margins, differentiate their products from their competitors, and remain competitive in the market.

  • Cost reduction through Alternate Material Selection
  • Cost Reduction through Alternate Vendor Selection
  • Cost Reduction through Alternate Component Selection and Sourcing
  • BoM Analysis
  • Custom Made LCDs, Capacitive Touch Panels, Cables, Parts, Components and Assembly Development
  • Metal enclosure to Plastic conversion to enhance Look and achieve Cost Reduction
  • Strategic Component & Vendor Selection and Qualification
  • Sourcing of Hard to find Components
  • Alternate Design/ Design Modifications
  • Complete Product Revamping
  • Component Obsolesce Resolution
  • Incorporating New Technologies
  • Through Hole PCB to SMT PCB Conversion

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